
The Rise of Gaming Culture in India


The gaming landscape in India has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, witnessing a growing participation in online gaming throughout the nation. Whether it is casual gaming on mobile phones or PCs or participating in organized tournaments and leagues within the realm of esports, India is witnessing a rise in gaming culture like never before. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the gaming industry in India, focusing on the evolution, growth, and prospects of gaming and esports in the country.

The Past: A Brief History of Gaming in India

Gaming has seen rapid growth from its humble beginnings in 1958, to the boom during the Atari and NES days, to being a pop culture phenomenon. The gaming industry in India has evolved significantly, with the advent of online gaming and the rise of esports, marking a new era in the country’s gaming culture.

The Present: The Booming Gaming Industry in India

In 2022, gaming and esports enthusiasts experienced an exceptionally thrilling year, marked by the unprecedented Commonwealth Esports Championship. The global recognition of esports reached new heights, exemplified by the Indian DOTA 2 squad’s impressive achievement of a bronze medal. Building on this success, the Asian Games 2023 also hosted an esports category as an officially recognized medal event. Including online gaming as a competitive sport highlights the increasing significance of gaming and esports on the global platform. In India, the online gaming segment is the fourth largest segment of the Indian Media and entertainment sector. It is expected to reach INR 231 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 20%. In 2023, the number of online gamers in India is expected to reach an impressive 442 million, establishing it as the second-largest gaming user base globally, surpassed only by China. Among these, approximately 90 to 100 million are avid and regular players. Within the esports category, the number of players touched 1 million across all competitive level games, where 1 of 5 were women.

The Future: Prospects and Government’s Role

The future of gaming in India looks promising, with the government also playing a crucial role in fostering innovation and supporting the gaming sector. The rise in gaming culture in India can be credited to various factors, particularly the development of broadband connectivity in Tier-II and Tier-III cities, along with cheaper data costs and affordable smartphones, broadening gaming accessibility to a diverse audience.

India Gaming Show 2023

The India Gaming Show 2023, a significant offline gaming event, took place on February 16 at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, marking its first offline edition since 2019. The event showcased the latest technological advances and gaming products. It provided a platform for gaming enthusiasts, developers, and industry professionals to come together and discuss the future of gaming in the country.


In conclusion, the gaming industry in India is experiencing rapid growth, with a significant rise in online gaming and esports participation. The country has seen a surge in the number of gamers, and various gaming events and conferences are being held to cater to the growing gaming community. The future of gaming in India looks promising, with the government also playing a crucial role in fostering innovation and supporting the gaming sector. The gaming culture in India is on an upward trajectory, and the country is poised to become one of the fastest-growing mobile gaming markets, given its large online population and smartphone user base.


1. India Today Gaming: Sports Events, Gaming Tournaments and News. (

2. An Analysis of Gaming Industry in India – International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). (

3. The Past, Present, and Future of Gaming in India. (

4. Rise of Gaming Culture and the Government’s Role in Fostering Innovation – Invest India. (

5. India Gaming Events – TECHSPO Delhi NCR. (

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